Monthly Membership Options

Child (0-19)
with adult $30
without adult $45

Adults (20-44)

Adults (45-64)

Adults (65 and oler)

Families (up to 2 adults, up to 4 children (0-19)
$195 maximum

Enrollment Fees:
Child/Single Adult/Employees $85
Family $135
Included in Membership:
-Up to 5 visits per month (office or technology visits)*
-Same day and next day appointment scheduling (after onboarding is completed)
-Prevention and treatment of acute/chronic conditions by treating the whole person
-Annual physical exam and recommended screening labs
– LGBTQ Health
-Sports physicals
-CDL physicals
-Expand access to Dr. Manire
-Ambulatory Blood Pressure Testing
-Spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide testing
-Skin biopsy (punch, shave, and excision)
-Skin tag removal
-Simple laceration repair
-Trigger point injections
-Dry needling
-Steroid joint injections
–Extracorporeal Pulse Wave Therapy (EPWT)
-Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) all techniques including myofascial release and stretch therapy
-Ultrasound Therapy and/or eStim (TENS)
-In grown toe nail removal
-Incision and debridement
-Ear wax removal
-Foreign body removal
-Continuous Glucose Monitoring Testing
-Rapid flu test
-Rapid strep test
-Rapid mononucleosis test
-Urinary analysis
*There will be an additional fee for more than 5 visits in a month.
Available to Members Only (Cost Not Included in Monthly Membership Fee)
– Weight Loss Treatments
-COVID 19 Neutralizing Antibody Panel (Provista Diagnostics cPass test)
-Wholesale diagnostic labs
-Wholesale imaging
-Whole sale generic medication (in office)
-Pathology cost associated with skin biopsies and PAP smears
-Allergy test skin testing and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) aka allergy drops
-Home and work place visit negotiated for an additional fee
-In-office x-rays and ultrasounds
-Pharmacogenomic testing
-Genetic Testing
Service Fees for Non-Members of Our Family Direct Primary Care*
*Prices Subject to change
General Services
Office Visit – $85. 00 for 30 minutes (minimum) second priority in scheduling
Complete Physical Exam and Recommended Screening Labs $285.00
Commercial Driver’s License Exam Initial Visit $75.00; Follow Up Visit $45.00
School Physicals $45.00
Sports Physicals (pediatric) $35.00; (adult) $60.00
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Tests
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring $175.00 (deposit required)
EKG $45.00
Niox (Nitrogen Oxide) Test for Asthma $85.00
Pulmonary Function Test (with bronchodilator) $100.00
Diabetes Testing
Continuous Glucose Monitoring for 10 days $250.00 (deposit required)
Hearing & Vision
Audiogram (screening test) $75.00
Vision Test (simple) $55.00
Minor Skin, Ear, and Toe Procedures
Skin Biopsy (shave, punch, excision) $50.00 per area (does not include pathology)
Skin Cryotherapy $50.00 per area
Skin Tag Removal $50.00 (1-5); $75.00 (6-10), $100.00 (11-15), (more than 15 priced per person)
Incision and Drainage (simple) $100.00 per area
Laceration Repair (simple) $85.00 per area
Ear Wax Removal (both ears) (simple) $20.00; (complex) $ 35.00
Ingrown Toenail Removal $85.00 per toe
Musculoskeletal Treatments
Acupuncture/Acupressure $85.00 per area
Athletic Taping $45.00 per area
Dry Needling $85.00 per area
Extracorporeal Pulse Wave Therapy (EPWT) click here for pricing information.
Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (includes fascial therapy, soft tissue release) $85.00 per 30 minutes
Prolotherapy (traditional dextrose, lidocaine, Vitamin B12) $65.00 per session per area
Steroid Joint Injections $65.00 per joint
Trigger Point Injections $65.00 per area
Ultrasound Therapy and/or eStim (TENS) $85.00
Iontophoresis or Phonophoresis $100
Rapid Flu, Strep, or Mono Test $20.00/$15.00/$25.00
Throat Culture $15.00
Urine Test (simple) $5.00
Any Lab or Imaging Service can be quoted
Extracorporeal Pulse Wave Therapy (EPWT) pricing information.
- Eligible for FSA/HSA/HRA coverage
- Commit to the initial exam, 3 weekly sessions per area to be treated, and follow up exam
- May be paid up front or as you go
- If severe negative side effects commitment cancelled
- Initial assessment includes clinical exam and Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
- $75
- EPWT per session per 1st treatment area
- $60 x 3 sessions = $180
- EPWT per session per additional treatment area at the same time as 1st treatment area
- $50 x 3 sessions = $150
- Reassessment 4-6 weeks after the last treatment
- $75
- Additional EPWT Treatments per area
- $50
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday 9AM-5PM
Tuesday 9AM-5PM
Wednesday 9AM-5PM
Thursday 9AM-5PM
Friday 9AM-1PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday